We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little pumpkin.
Her name will be Audrey Sophia Kyhn.
With all the wedding plans we haven't been able to post a blog in a while so we have a lot to update. Matt is currently working on a movie called Queens of Country which is a western/comedy and is shooting in Cave Creek, AZ. He is at work all day, 5 days a week so I rarely get to see him. His last day of filming is June 10th which is 2 days before the wedding!! I can't believe the wedding is in only 19 more days. Everything seems to be in order as of now, so there has been very little stress which is nice.
All of our doctors appointments have been going really well, the baby and I are healthy and growing as we should. We have another ultrasound on the 10th of June so we will post more photos then. She is growing so much and I can feel her moving around all the time. The other night we went to see Alex's band play at Trader Vic's and I was sitting in the front row and Audrey was moving so much to the music! She is now able to hear outside of the womb so Matt has been talking to her as well as Grandma Christine.
Here is another picture of my baby bump at 18 weeks (5 months)
Peace & Love
Matt and Cydney