Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today Audrey is 4 months old!

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. And I'm pretty certain I say that every month! She is growing so beautifully and I am so proud of all the developments she has made in the last four months.

Audrey's new favorite thing to do is put everything in her mouth!

her teether

her thumb

and last but not least..... drum roll please.....
her toes!!

Audrey now reaches for things in front of her. This is both an exciting milestone, yet a little bit scary as well. We will be baby proofing our house in no time! She will reach for her teether or pacifier or toy and bring it to her mouth. It is so fun to watch her concentrate on her hands and try really hard to have them do what she wants them to. Her arm control has gotten a lot stronger as when she first started reaching for things her arm would flail up and down a few times before she was able to direct them towards the object.

This is a video of Matt playing guitar for Audrey.
she loves to hear music and dance and sing along!

I am really enjoying her at this age, her personality is blossoming! She is such a joy to be with and she makes everyday a lot of fun.

A few fun photos of our dear girl...

shopping with mommy

paparazzi, please no photos

precious hands

sweetly sleeping

playing piano with grandpa Peter

Renaissance fair with papa Joe

happy girl

Audrey the movie star

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