Tuesday, June 7, 2011

seven months

I'm way behind on blog posts but in my defense things have been pretty chaotic in the Kyhn house!

My sister-in-law and her husband and two girls were in town, then Audrey & I left to go to Chicago with my dad for 10 days to help my mom pack up for her move to SC in July. While I was away Matt searched & found an apartment for us to move into and we moved 2 days after I got home. Since then we've been unpacking, organizing and getting used to our new home!

I wasn't kidding when I said chaotic!

I have to admit though I feed off of hustle & bustle and when there isn't a lot of things going on I tend to get bored & lazy. Those are two things I never ever want to be, but let's be honest, it just creeps up on you! Although since having a baby there hasn't been too many times that I can say I've been bored or lazy. I mean you just can't be when another human depends on you for everything, there is always something to do. Lucky for me, I love it!!

Speaking of that other human.... Audrey turned 7 months on May 22nd! We were in Chicago that day so I couldn't take the traditional seven month photo until we got back, and then with all the moving it just kept getting delayed. Nonetheless, the photo was taken and here it is!!

Notice how the sign is completely out of her reach otherwise it would have been crumpled and eaten.

I must say Audrey is quite the character these days. She has an array of silly faces she makes that make me laugh until my cheeks hurt. Her smile and laugh are contagious and the cutest things I've ever seen & heard. Upon turning 7 months she has had a few "firsts" which is always exciting.

Her new favorite thing to do is "clapping"

She has been getting up on her hands & knees & rocking for some time now but just recently took a few steps forward in the crawling position. She is also able to get into the crawling position from sitting and going from sitting to laying down to sitting again. She is definitely in the right direction and we expect she'll be crawling all over the place in the next few days!

Upon our move to the apartment we've donated her infant bathtub & she now takes baths sitting up in the big tub!

She has such a fun personality!

And she is still as snuggly & lovable as ever!

1 comment:

  1. wow. i cant believe how quickly the time goes by. would be great to see you soon...let me know your schedule. :)
