Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I have to admit our blog has been neglected. Our last post was about Audrey's birth and she is now 2 months old! It seems that time flies even faster when you have a baby. So with that realized, my new years resolution is to blog more often in 2011.

I will try my best to fill you in on the last two months, although a lot has happened.

The first few weeks of Audrey's life were precious and so happy & exciting for Matt and me. I was so grateful of the help I had from my mother along with Matt and his parents while recovering from the birth. Halloween was low key this year, Audrey was only 9 days old so my sister Natalie came over and we carved pumpkins, drank hot cocoa and watched Hocus Pocus. My mom came to visit for Audrey's birth and stayed for almost 3 weeks which was such a great help. She was extremely sad to leave but looked forward to our visit to Chicago in just two short weeks after she left.
The next 2 weeks were hard for me because I struggled with breastfeeding and was feeling very defeated. I was determined to make it happen and was not willing to give up! Unfortunately we weren't able to have a consult with a lactation specialist during our stay in the hospital due to the fact Audrey was born on the weekend so we decided to meet with a woman who runs her own breastfeeding business from her home and it was extremely beneficial to us. There are many reasons I did not want to feed Audrey formula so I was excited to finally nurse her successfully.

Before we knew it, it was time to leave for Chicago to visit my family for Thanksgiving. I was given a lot of helpful advice for flying with a newborn and Audrey was absolutely wonderful. I nursed her during take off and she slept the rest of the way, I was proud of her. You wouldn't have known there was a newborn on board.

Chicago was pretty cold but we were blessed with gifts of warm clothes for Audrey, we might have even over-dressed her at times ha ha.

And my favorite...

The main purpose for our trip to Chicago was to introduce Audrey to her 93 year old great-grandmother. It was such an amazing thing to see Grandma hold Audrey and interact with her. Although Grandma is doing well, we know at her age her days with us are numbered and I can't explain just how special it was to me for them to meet.

We were also able to spend a lot of time with friends & family whom we miss dearly. There were so many people and places we wanted to see while in Chicago which made it a bit overwhelming at times, especially it being the week of Thanksgiving. I think the whole city was chaotic. It was quickly learned that making plans & having a newborn do not blend well. We did the best we could to see everyone and really enjoyed our time in Chicago but it felt good to come home to our "normal" everyday routine. Something exciting that happened recently was getting to see Audrey smile! She is such a happy baby and now smiles & laughs all the time. It is such a beautiful smile.

Since being home from our trip life has settled down a bit. Matt has been working everyday which has been great. He has worked on so many different movies/tv shows/commercials it's hard for me to keep up! I pretty much ask him everyday, "where are you going today?" I think he enjoys the ever changing schedule, how could someone get bored of a job that is different everyday! However we look forward to a break in work for the holidays so we can spend time together as a family, just the three of us.

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